World YWCA Day 2021: A Celebration of #YWCALeaders

Every year on April 24, YWCAs around the world celebrate World YWCA Day. For 160 years, YWCA leaders and pioneers have taken action in communities to make human rights a reality. In 2020, YWCA has been building strong, powerful and humble advocates and fighters who have supported those around and promoted sisterhood every […]

Power of World YWCAs Transformative

Stories of Five Pioneers and Leaders from the YWCA Movement The COVID-19 pandemic unmasked the ugly reality facing young women and girls who were trapped in close quarters with their abusers, facing issues of employment and income generation and managing the multiple burdens around health and access to resources. It […]

A Leader Beyond Calculus, Physics and NASA

Story of Tina Herrera While most of her peers were fitting in the societal expectations of what an ideal woman should pursue in her career, or to fulfil a more traditional gender role, Tina Herrera was training as a mechanical engineer, a field that was highly dominated by men. Self-assured […]