Imagine the difference a young woman can make in society when she proactively takes a stand against a human rights violation like female genital mutilation (FGM). Young women who advocate for sexual reproductive health and rights (SRHR) transform their lives and the lives of others, by challenging harmful, social and cultural practices and by pushing for the respect of young women and women’s rights.
Bella is an advocate for SRHR, who fights against FGM in Kenya, and actively rallies other young women against this practice.
Click here to watch Bella’s story and active action against FGM in Kenya !
At the World YWCA, we believe in Bella as a leader and an advocate for SRHR. We believe young women like her can challenge power structures by actively “Thinking equal, building smart and innovating for change”.
This International Women’s Day, we celebrate the strength and leadership shown by young women like Amany, Vanessa and Bella, who are challenging and transforming power structures so that young women lead the world for positive change.
This International Women’s Day, donate to World YWCA.
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