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Our Leadership

Make Menstrual Products Free!

During my attendance at this year CSW conference, I had an opportunity to attend one of the most exciting trainings on how to make access to lasting feminine hygiene solutions. We were told on how the Days for Girls International was started, and it was such an inspiration. We all […]

AIDS 2016 Access Equity Rights Now!

My journey to Durban was a long and hectic one after being denied visas to the beautiful land of South Africa in the name of insecurity despite the fact that I would be under a group of very powerful women from the YWCA! Lucky enough I got to the Joburg […]

We Are Here to Claim Our Space

by Rati Muyambo, Gender and Media student at the University of Cape Town As a young woman who is passionate about gender equality and young women’s issues, I had the privilege of attending the first ever Human Rights Council Youth Forum in Geneva. On the 10th of June, youth from all […]

Coming out of my Comfort Zone

Last weekend I realised (again) that things never happen how you expect them. I’m a young woman from the YWCA/YMCA of Switzerland and I was a delegate at the European Representative Meeting  (ERM) 2012 in Celakovice, Czech Republic. For me it was the first time as a delegate at such […]