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Our Rights


  Brief Background –  Belong, is dedicated to every young woman who is forced to think that she is not complete without a man. It is for those women who dare to wait, be different and who say I’ll fit in maybe or maybe  I won’t or I will in my […]

World YWCA 16 days of activism

For 16 days of activism against violence against women , we marked this year with the theme “Intergenerational Action for Gender-Based Violence: Co-Creating the Future.”  In collaboration with Feminism in India we shared unique stories of leaders from across the world who are combating gender-based violence in their communities. We […]

Young Women Speak About Femicide

This is Suicide This is Genocide This is Homicide What then is Femicide? I can be killed because I am a woman I can be murdered because I was born a woman I can be sentenced to die just because the society defined me This is my story I am […]

Week Without Violence 2021, raising our voices against violence against women

For Week Without Violence 2021, we marked the theme “Intergenerational Action for Gender-Based Violence: Co-Creating the Future.” On ThursdayinBlack, we compiled messages from intergenerational leaders from the YWCA movement to join us and raise their voices against gender-based violence (GBV). We received many impactful messages, from leaders all around the world. […]