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Our Leadership

Dear 2022

We are hundreds of years past the ‘normal’ We are much late than the pandemic The pandemic which brought a huge stagnant But we speak of much early Much early when ocean levels were constant And skies were blue and clear And clear were the people and their intentions It […]

Coming Together as a Movement During CSW66

Intergenerational YWCA leaders from across the world came together virtually to engage at the United Nations 66th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW66). The events for CSW66 were held in a hybrid format from 14-25 March 2022. Given the ongoing challenges with the COVID-19 pandemic, UN […]

Essential Resources for Starting Your Own Nonprofit

Just as female business owners are becoming more and more vital to the business community, women are also getting increasingly more involved in nonprofit organizations. If you want to make a positive change in the world, you might consider starting a nonprofit of your own! This resource guide from World […]

When We Co-create, We Design for Greater and Deeper Impact

Insights from RiseUp! Young women leadership initiative inception period “The Co-creation phase has captured and championed the idea of intergenerational leadership in a beautiful manner, where there is an equal space of discussion for everyone on the team “AGE NO BAR”. This has surely boosted my confidence to be bold and […]

A New Stage of Life

Do I consider myself a feminist? An activist? If you were to ask me from two years ago, the answer would have been “I don’t know.” It’s not that I don’t believe in the importance of feminism or activism. It’s just that these two concepts were not present in my life during […]


  Brief Background –  Belong, is dedicated to every young woman who is forced to think that she is not complete without a man. It is for those women who dare to wait, be different and who say I’ll fit in maybe or maybe  I won’t or I will in my […]